1 John 2:22 And He Himself is the calming for our sins, and not for ours singular but too for the full-page world.
In the movie, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, the populace who well-tried to exterior inside the ark were struck limp. What was interior the ark that brought sensitivity to those who looked into it?
The Bible tells us that the ark command the two tablets of the Ten Commandments, the pot of sap and Aaron's rod. (Hebrews 9:4) These items were tokens of man's insurgence. The two tablets of the Ten Commandments pictured man's denial of God's standards. The manna diagrammatical man's rebuff of God's proviso. And Aaron's rod, man's snub of God's appointed profession.
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God did not impoverishment to watch at these tokens of riot. He wanted to be lenient to His people, so He instructed them to leave the items in the ark and to covert the ark with its forgiveness seat, which is besides the forte where on earth the humour of the animal sacrifices was sprinkled.
Once a period on the Day of Atonement, the broad member of the clergy would go in the Holy of Holies to shake on the mercy seat, the humor of the animal that had been sacrificed. The two cherubim on the forgiveness place stood as guardians of God's decency and sacredness.
Representing God's eyes, they looked at the humour on the mercy form. As perennial as the bodily fluid was there, the total state of Israel was forgiven. God's taste passed all over them and they were golden for other time period. (Leviticus 16)
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Today, the liquid body substance wet on the pity form is not the humour of bulls and goats, but the precious, never-ending humor of the Son of God. (Hebrews 9:12) Jesus is our mercifulness seat for "He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours simply but likewise for the total world". The phrase "propitiation" besides money "mercy seat" as the aforesaid Greek declaration is utilized.
This manner that God does not see your sins and reckon them resistant you because He sees His Son's bodily fluid. He sees His Son's unfaultable manual labour that has more than than self-righteous Him. And God does not deprivation you to see your sins any. He does not poverty you to outward show into the ark by engrossment on your sins. He wishes you to engrossment on Christ and His fattened work! Daniel Tay.